What's Been Going On? Updates, Accomplishments, Plans and More!
Let's begin this with saying that I know I promised to review more, and post more, and change the way this blog has worked, and I'm aware that I haven't been able to yet. But, I am in the process of doing my best to begin doing that, and that starts with this post.
I reemerged from radio silence about twenty minutes ago (you'll be reading later) to scribble out a review of Grey's Anatomy's latest episode. The reason it took so long for me to get back to this was because school has been insane, and I just haven't had the time. My schedule is super booked this year, especially because I do take part in athletics, and I have a ton of extra activities that I have committed my time to this year. As most of you know, I am still in school, and homework doesn't go away as much as we beg and plead for it to, and it also doesn't do itself. Unfortunately, that invention still has yet to come out.
Here is my lengthy list of life updates for you guys:
- I entered Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for the first time and made my debut with two of my poems that I had written earlier in the school year. I did win two silver keys! In case some of you don't know, Scholastic is a competition where many students enter their art, photography, and/or writing into to be judged, and the awards are gold or silver keys or honorable mentions.
- I signed up for the Mountain Goat Run of Syracuse for the second time, I ran last year as well. A momentary panic a couple days ago when I realized that I now have three weeks to try an get ready to run a 10 mile race that I haven't even begun to prepare for, oops.
- I applied, and was accepted to the Champlain Young Writer's Conference that takes place in May at Champlain College! I am super excited to meet other aspiring authors in the three days that I'll be there.
- I signed up for Hartwick College Springboard Diving Camp for the third time. I absolutely love it there, I've always had great experiences and I love the coaching staff. That's one of the major things that I'm looking forward to for the summer.
As things continue to unfold, I'll keep you updated and I'll do my best to continue with this blog. TV show reviews will go up, they might go up slowly but I promise they will go up, along with much much more.
I reemerged from radio silence about twenty minutes ago (you'll be reading later) to scribble out a review of Grey's Anatomy's latest episode. The reason it took so long for me to get back to this was because school has been insane, and I just haven't had the time. My schedule is super booked this year, especially because I do take part in athletics, and I have a ton of extra activities that I have committed my time to this year. As most of you know, I am still in school, and homework doesn't go away as much as we beg and plead for it to, and it also doesn't do itself. Unfortunately, that invention still has yet to come out.
Here is my lengthy list of life updates for you guys:
- I entered Scholastic Art and Writing Awards for the first time and made my debut with two of my poems that I had written earlier in the school year. I did win two silver keys! In case some of you don't know, Scholastic is a competition where many students enter their art, photography, and/or writing into to be judged, and the awards are gold or silver keys or honorable mentions.
- I signed up for the Mountain Goat Run of Syracuse for the second time, I ran last year as well. A momentary panic a couple days ago when I realized that I now have three weeks to try an get ready to run a 10 mile race that I haven't even begun to prepare for, oops.
- I applied, and was accepted to the Champlain Young Writer's Conference that takes place in May at Champlain College! I am super excited to meet other aspiring authors in the three days that I'll be there.
- I signed up for Hartwick College Springboard Diving Camp for the third time. I absolutely love it there, I've always had great experiences and I love the coaching staff. That's one of the major things that I'm looking forward to for the summer.
As things continue to unfold, I'll keep you updated and I'll do my best to continue with this blog. TV show reviews will go up, they might go up slowly but I promise they will go up, along with much much more.
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