Law and Order: SVU S17E11
Townhouse Incident aired on NBC January 13, 2016. This episode could quite possibly qualify as one of the worst SVU episodes that I've ever seen. A quick background of this episode; Olivia's regular babysitter Lucy, is having a problem with her family, and was complaining to Olivia. Being the good person that she is, she heads for the townhouse, only to be taken hostage along with two children and their mom. This is evidently traumatizing to her, as she wasn't able to stop the sixteen year old girl from being raped by Joe, one of the hostage takers. In the end, the snipers take out Joe as he exits the townhouse with the intent of running off with Benson. It gets one out of five stars from me, and here's why. The producers of SVU are overplaying the "Olivia Benson in trouble" and my guess is that they are responding to the rave reviews that they received out of the William Lewis season, where Benson is taken hostage twice in season fifteen. This episode also shed light on a newly blossoming love for the much loved Lieutenant. The one problem with this love affair, is the fact that the lover is Detective Ed Tucker out of the much-hated-by-the-squad Internal Affairs Bureau, and the detectives of of SVU have always bad mouthed Tucker, known for his horrible attitude and hatred for Lieutenant Benson. But we will see where this newly found love goes.
Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this episode. What do you think of this "Benson in danger" scheme, do you think they're overplaying it since the Lewis saga, what do you think of the so-called love between Tucker and Benson and more. I'm sorry this review is short, but check back for the review of SVU's newest episode, A Misunderstanding, airing tonight(January 20, 2016) if I can get my act together and mange to get this edited and up before midnight.
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