Law and Order: SVU S17E12
This episode, called A Misunderstanding aired yesterday January 20, 2016. A quick background of this episode; Abby(a fifteen year old coed from a local high school) accuses another teenager, Chris(he's eighteen) of rape at a school dance. A he said-she said erupts from the case, and it's further compromised when Abby texts Chris, asking if the two are still friends. ADA Rafael Barba urges Chris to take a deal, pleading to sexual misconduct, which would put him on the sex offenders registry, but also would keep him out of prison. Chris refuses the deal, and they head to trial. Defense attorney John Buchanan upon crossing Abby, finds out that she too is confused to whether or not she said yes. Chris says the same thing, that he didn't hear a no, but he also did not hear a yes. In the end, the jury finds Chris guilty or sexual misconduct, and he goes on the registry for twenty years. This episode gets three out of five stars from me, mainly because of the boring in it. It seemed as if it was obvious what was going to happen next, whether it be Chris refusing the deal, or Abby feeling bad about the accusation. It wasn't suspenseful, but it was a good episode. The actors blew me away as usual, Mariska Hargitay both directing and playing the lead. It was good to see ADA Barba back, after he was absent in the last episode and it wasn't clear why. Rollins introduced her newborn baby to the squad, only to have them talk about the hardships of being a single mother, and parenting. We see a little bit of closure for Lieutenant Benson after her hostage taking, this episode shows her talking to a police psychologist, insisting that she can do her job. There was nothing following through with the Benson/Tucker love instigation, but we can expect that later. The next episode Forty-One Witnesses airs next Wednesday on NBC.
Let me know in the comments below what you thought of this episode; did you like it, did you think that it was boring and so on. Let me know.
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