How I Review TV Shows

As many of you know, I have only been blogging my reviews for about 6-7 months. I've been attempting to integrate more and more material into these blogs, such as book reviews and different pieces of writing, but that hasn't worked so well. For those of you who don't know, I've watched Law and Order SVU since 2012. It's remained a staple show in my mind and right now, even though I have been shifting over to Grey's Anatomy while SVU remains on hiatus, Grey's will never compete with SVU. I am usually notoriously late with my reviews of SVU on here(my apologies) because I usually don't watch them the night they air. They air at ten o'clock my time, and for me, I'm usually doing homework or recovering from the day, so I usually watch them the next day on Hulu. During the episodes, I don't take notes for my reviews, I usually just trust my memory. When I actually sit down at my computer to write these reviews, I try to do a simple background, rate the episode out of five stars, then state what I thought of the episode. Like you see on all of my reviews, there is always a picture from the episode along with a question for the comments below(and I'm relatively new to the blogging world, so is that a good or bad thing?) and then I end it. SVU returns from hiatus in two weeks, so I'll see you then with my review!


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